Get AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card From Bangladesh.
AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card is a new and exciting payment method, now available to AlertPay members in almost 50 countries. AlertPay members can choose between a USD or a CAD currency card.
Earn money from simple task. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus+1 Jobs
Earning money from minuteworkers is very. You can also create jobs for workers and get finish your task easily. You can earn by finishing tasks.
OneDollarRiches Get Paid Every Day From Bangladesh
OneDollarRiches is the new sensation in MLM marketing and many people are getting quick money from this website. We also decided to try this scheme and amazed by the results. In just 24 hours we earned 12 dollars for just 1 dollar investment.
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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -
OneDollarRiches Get Paid Every Day From Bangladesh
MinuteWorkers:Sign up । Earn money by just sign up.
Job Details:
MinuteWorkers:Sign up
You will earn $0.03/BDT 2 TK
This task takes less than 3 min to finish
You can accept this job if you are from any of these countries:
International - All Countries accepted
You need a valid e-mail address to complete the task sucessfully.
What is expected from Workers?
1. Go to
2. Wait 5 seconds to load advertisement.
3. Click Skip Ad to load original site.
4.Fill out all information.
5. Click "Register"
6. Activate Your Account.(You will get ACTIVATION LINK in your E-mail inbox which you used to register MinuteWorkers )
Required proof that task was finished?
1.Username that you registered with.
No duplicate or existing accounts. You must register for a new account to get paid.
Earn money from simple task. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus+1 Jobs
- Sign up under a referral link
- Click an advert or multiple adverts
- Write an article for a website
- Download a file
Earning money from minuteworkers is very. You can also create jobs for workers and get finish your task easily. You can earn by finishing tasks. Once your task gets accepted, you get paid. Don’t think it was a scam, because I am using this site almost one year and I am getting paid without delay. Here I explain the tricks to earn more money from minuteworkers.
The possibilities go as far as the imagination, you are the employer - you create the job needs and rules. If you need a mass number of workers to complete an activity this is the service you need. This is why we are the best tool for affiliate marketers or site owners.
How do I make money?
Workers will gain money by completing small tasks which take minutes, each task will pay varied amount of money depending on the job. When a worker completes a job they will submit their proof to the employer, once approved the money will be instantly transferred to the workers account.
1 Go to Minuteworkers and register.
2 Confirm your account by clicking the verification link sent to your email id after you register.
3 Click Available Jobs and choose jobs like facebook like, follow twitter and rate it. This type of jobs are easy to do.
4 Then the job page opens.
5 Now click I accept this job, then a small box opens below.
6 Do the job properly according to the instructions given and enter the proof in the below text box.
7 Click Submit Proof.
Tips & Warnings
- Refer friends and Earn $0.05 cent for sign up. When the referrer completes one task, you earn $0.10 cent extra.
- Complete more jobs daily as you can.
- Post your referral link in social media websites like facebook, twitter, digg, delicious, etc.
- They pay before 31st of each month via Paypal,AlertPay. Don’t refer yourself, they record your IP address and your account will be deleted.
- They pay you by two methods: Paypal and Alertpay.
- Create a new Paypal account or a new Alertpay account.
- Withdraw your earnings after 29th of each month, because they pay in 2 days.
- Don’t accept jobs for which you are not qualified.
Help Friends Join To Make More Money
Pay you to post and make threads.
New Post: $0.01
New Thread: $0.01
Per reply to your thread: $0.01
Users must have over 50 posts to earn from the forums - This acts as a probation period which helps to stop spammers.
How to get AlertPay PrePaid Debit Visa Card from Bangladesh.
For those of you who have not heard the good news, the AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card is a new and exciting payment method, now available to AlertPay members in almost 50 countries. AlertPay members can choose between a USD or a CAD currency card.
Once members receive the card and activate it, they can load up to $5,000 CAD or USD on to the card, directly from their AlertPay E-Wallet and shop anywhere VISA cards are accepted. This new product will allow our members to make online or in-store purchases anywhere in the world without exposing their personal information.
Pre-register for the AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card
Pre-registration is now open for 48 countries. There will be more countries added in 2012. Pre-register to increase your chances of being the first to be able to take advantage of the USD or CAD currency card. If pre-selected, you will be the first to be notified when the card is available for ordering. There are no fees associated with pre-registering for the card.
The number of cards for each country is limited, therefore take action now to reserve your card!
Available Countries
Pre-registration eligibility per Country
Pre-registration is available in 48 countries with more to be added. Pre-registation increases your chances of being the first to be able to take advantage of the USD or CAD currency card. If pre-selected, you will be the first to be notified when the card is available for ordering. There are no fees associated with pre-registering for the card.
Who is eligible for pre-registration?
Pre-registration is available to only 50 countries for now. Eligible members will see a pre-registration banner appear when they log in to their AlertPay Account. Click on the banner to learn more about the card or to pre-resgister.
If you do not see a banner when you log in to your account, this means you are not eligible to pre-register for the card.
Solution Ordering your new AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card is easy! Just follow these steps:
1. Login to your AlertPay account.
2. Click on “Get The Card” from the banner that appears on your "Overview" page.
3. Select which type of PrePaid Debit Card you what (USD or CAD currency card).
4. Verify your identity by entering the type of “Photo ID” you will be submitting and the “ID number”, attach a scanned copy of your photo ID by browsing your documents and a scanned copy of a “Proof of Address”, and click on “Next Step”. If you chose to get a CAD Card, please also select the name that you want to appear on the card first.
5. Confirm your shipping information by confirming your address and then clicking on "Next Step". Please note that if you change the address, the new address will become your profile address and your proof of address must match the shipping address.
6. Provide the method of payment you wish to use for the one-time setup fee and also select the type of shipping you want; enter in your Transaction PIN and select ‘Complete’.
7. After this you will be taken to the “Complete” page.
In order to obtain the Alertpay PrePaid Debit Card login into your account and click on the link Order the card. If the link is not visible than you need more transactions in your account so that Alertpay will consider you as well. Also make sure that your account has $20 in it before doing this process.
You need two proof documents in order to get the card. One is your National ID Card and other is Utility bill copy need to verify your home address. Make sure you scan the Back side of the ID card. Enter the ID card number in the Photo Id box and select Government Issue ID from the drop box. Just scan these two documents, upload them via browse button and click on next Step button.
Next screen will ask you to verify your shipping address. Make sure the address mention here is the same on your utility bill other wise correct it here and click next Step button.
As i said earlier you need 20 dollars in your account for this transaction. Alertpay will now deduct money from your account and you have to enter PIN code as well.
Click on Complete button and you are done. Your card will be shipped after your documents are verified so please be patient. Card can take 35 to 60 days to arrive in Bangladesh.
আপনি যেসব শর্তাবলী মেনে নিয়ে কাজ করতে রাজী হয়েছেন।TERMS.
- একজন Worker/Employer এর অবশ্যই PIN (Personal Identification Number) থাকবে যা কতৄপক্ষ Provide করবে।
- এই সাইট আপনার উপার্জন এর জন্য দায়বদ্ধ নয়।
- এই সাইট এর ADMIN একক ভাবে যেকোন সময়,যেকোন সিদ্ধান্ত নেবার ক্ষমতা রাখে।
- একজন Worker/Employer এর একের অধিক একাউন্ট থাকা যাবে না।
- চুক্তিবদ্ধ Worker নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে কাজ শেষ না করলে পেমেন্ট এর জন্য যোগ্য বিবেচিত হবে না।
টাকা উত্তোলনের পদ্ধতি। আমরা আপনাকে কিভাবে পেমেন্ট করবো।Payment Process.
- শুধু বায়ার কতৄক অনুমোদিত এবং সফল ভাবে সমাপ্ত কাজের জন্য পেমেন্ট করা হবে।
- প্রতি মাসের শেষ সপ্তাহ পেমেন্ট করা হবে।
- পেমেন্ট আমাউন্ট সর্বনিম্ন এক হাজার (১,০০০) টাকা।
- পেমেন্ট এর Processing Fees , Worker বহন করবে।
- PIN ছারা কোন Worker কে পেমেন্ট করা হবে না।
- Alertpay, Moneybookers, Mobile Balance Recharge, SA পরিবহন, Bank Deposit এর মাধ্যমে পেমেন্ট করা হয়। বিশেষ ক্ষেএ্রে পেমেন্ট Method আলোচনা সাপেক্ষে নির্ধারন করা যাবে।
AlertPay এ Account Open করতে এখানে CLICK করুন।
Moneybookers এ Account Open করতে এখানে CLICK করুন।
বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: কতৄপক্ষ বিনা নোটিসে যেকোন সময়, যেকোন কারনে সকল নিয়মাবলী আংশিক অথবা সম্পু্র্ন ভাবে পরিবর্তন,পরিমার্জন এর ক্ষমতা রাখে।
কিভাবে এবং কোথায় Task এর প্রুফ Submit জমা দিবেন?
কিভাবে প্রুফ জমা দিবেন?
নির্দিষ্ট কাজের জন্য নির্দিষ্ট প্রুফ জমা দিতে হবে, যা কাজের সাথে আপনার বায়ার উল্লেখ করবে।
আপনাকে Submit করতে হতে পারে...................
- ইউজার নেম/ইউজার আইডি/প্রোফাইল নেম/প্রোফাইল
- কর্নফারমেশন ই-মেইল ডিটেইলস।
কোথায় Task এর প্রুফ জমা দিবেন?
আপনাকে অবশ্যই নির্দিষ্ট Jobs/Task এর জন্য নির্দিষ্ট কমেন্ট বক্সে আপনার বায়ার এর চাহিদা মোতাবেক প্রুফ জমা দিতে হবে।
AlertPay এ Account Open করতে এখানে CLICK করুন।
Moneybookers এ Account Open করতে এখানে CLICK করুন।
বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: বিশেষ ক্ষেএে ব্যাতিক্রম হতে পারে।